Bringing back "old money" values
Today at my Masters Swim workout a woman was talking about her imminent move to back to one of the two houses Menlo Park, CA (a very pricey community) she and her husband just remodelled. It seems her...
View ArticleCarlos Slim, Salinas' buddy, richest on Earth
Whatever our views on immigration policy and US-Mexico border controls, income inequality in Mexico persists and drives impoverished Mexicans across the border. Today, the BBC reported that Carlos...
View ArticleBrent Budowsky: Grapes of Wrath Return
From The Hill’s Pundits Blog:Grapes of Wrath ReturnBrent BudowskyHere is the problem with the Federal Reserve bailout of banks, rather than providing support to homeowners, citizens or the economy as a...
View ArticleThe Anti-Edwards Endgame, or Why Edwards Is Right In Talking About Two Americas
As an Edwards supporter, I’ve been recently amused by the urgent tone of those who argue that the Edwards campaign is flagging because of its decision to accept public financing. It’s over they say....
View ArticleFollow-up on Bailout the People's March on Wall St Apr 3-4 (w/POLL)
I am writing to follow-up on Ministry of Truth's excellent diary on the Bailout the People Movement's March on Wall Street coming this April 3-4. Specifically, unless I'm missing something, it seems...
View ArticleMLK, Jr: Advocate for a Third Party
It is not only Glen Beck who attempts to misappropriate the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. There are some here who would paint King as the loyal Democrat, holding his tongue out of concern for the...
View ArticleForget Glenn: Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his own words.
While the MSM was focused on Glenn Beck’s horse-and-pony show in DC last weekend, I chose to visit YouTube and watch clips of the actual March on Washington. Once I had listened to the I Have a Dream...
View ArticleWarning: Democrats are losing the votes of young adults (Updated)
The Pew Research Center has published a poll showing that Democrats are losing their advantage among millennials:The "Millennial Generation" of young voters played a big role in the resurgence of the...
View ArticleWe're All Exhausted!
She told the President, "I'm exhausted at defending you" and wanted to know "Is this my new reality?".Well, I think most of the country is exhausted. Those of us still working are running around like...
View ArticlePresident Obama's Attack On Social Security (w/ updates)
Obama's tax cut for the rich also would reduce the 6.2 percent Social Security payroll tax on all wage earners by two percentage points for one year. At first look, this might appear to be a decent...
View ArticleSen. Merkley Says No To Obama-McConnell Tax Cuts For the Rich
Senator Jeff Merkley is standing up against the Obama-McConnell tax bill:"I have very strong concerns about the tax proposal before us and cannot support moving forward on the package as it now...
View ArticleHalf a century of work and pay in an hour's time
What can be better than progressive comedian Lee Camp and talking about how screwed up Wall Street is?Originally posted on my site but I hope you enjoy Lee's jokes and some commentary.
View ArticleGang Of 6 Plan Details Suck! Cutting Social Security for Tax Cuts for Corps...
The Congressional Budget Office will score the plan as a $1.5 trillion tax cut, as it lowers the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to between 23 and 29 percent, eliminates the alternative minimum tax,...
View ArticleR Pig Coburn: Budget Cuts Will Only Hurt "The People Sucking Off The Program"
This week, the so-called Gang of Six — composed of Sens. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), Mark Warner (D-VA), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Mike Crapo (R-ID), and Kent Conrad (D-ND) — released the...
View ArticlePelosi: "We Get The Sacrifice, They Get The Wealth"
Nancy Pelosi is telling the truth."This isn't just about them saying we should reduce the deficit," she said, adding: "This is an excuse. The budget deficit is an excuse for the Republicans to...
View ArticleBig Banksters Warn Of Default Consequences, Pressuring Rs.
The real owners of America are now involved. They have the most to lose in a default. Working people will suffer, no doubt, but the 1%ers are beginning to panic as their Frankenstein monster threatens...
View ArticlePelosi Not Whipping Votes; Update: All 74 in Prog Caucus Will Vote No!
Nancy Pelosi, who met with her caucus today to gauge support for the deal, has not announced yet whether she’s in favor of it. More specifically, the question of whether Dem leaders will actively press...
View ArticleThe Unsung Heros Of OccupyWallstreet
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by...
View ArticleEugene Robinson loves the Occupy protests
as he writes in his column titled The Occupy protests: A timely call for justice. He gives lots of reasons, beginning like this: Occupy Wall Street and its kindred protests around the country are...
View ArticleOccupy Wall Street & hype: The screams that caught my eye today (Updated -...
Recently, there were questions about the Occupy Wall Street Movement and "hyperbole." Protesters were asked to remain accountable and report accurately based on evidence, evidence that the American...
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